Wednesday 30 September 2009

My first geocache find

Thursday 16 July 2009

What is this?

Is this a cricket, a cicada, or something else? - It makes a loud chirping sound, especially in the middle of the day when the sun hits it. The body is about 2 inches long. And there's this long thin thing sticking out of its head. I can't see any wings. Photographed on Sipan Island, Croatia, July 2009

Wednesday 8 July 2009

Fresh start

Okay, I've finally decided to link my twitter stuff and my blog stuff together. Makes it easier to keep them both updated anyway.

I don't bother with Facebook or MySpace or any of the others, I've deleted my accounts there. Too much trouble to maintain, too much spam. So I've consolidated everything into this blog, my techie blog (click my profile) and my twitter feed.

With the added advantage that I can post photos from my mobile phone to this blog, and I can tweet via SMS to my twitter feed.

Happy days... I hope. ;-)